Here's the interview with Mirka_17.
Thanks so much for taking your time to answer the questions, Mirka_17!
To visit her suite, please click here:
1. To start off, tell us a little about yourself.
I am mirka_17. I am 19 years old. I am from greece, i study economics in the university and i adore fashion.
2. What got you started with stardoll?
Well it's kinda funny my account was made by my sis superoh as a second account for fun she wasn't used it so when i hear about this great site 2 years ago i have an account ready for me.
3. What's your favorite item that you own on stardoll?
Hmm that's a hard Q cause i love all my clothes but my fav ones are the voile ruffle dress i love the colour and the new kohls shirt candies popin shirt.
4. Describe yourself in 3 words, and explain why you chose those words.
Funny loving crazyyy,funny becase i make my friends to laugh a lot with m_themis and superoh have laugh a lot, loving because all my friends love me lol,and crazy because i am so unpredictable i make funny things saying funny things and i can do anything any time i want:D
5. What was your reaction when you became CG?
That's a great story the day before me m_themis was CG so i said to her it would be great if i can be CG the other day so i try to be and the next morning wen i woke up and saw that i was CG i was so so so happy i remember i called m_themis and she was sleeping and i was screaming in her ear yeah i made it yeah yeah,so you all understoond that i want it so bad and i was really happy :D
6. Do you have any Hobbies or Interests that you like doing? What?
Well my only hobbie is SHOPPING i can do it all day without getting tired at all.
7. What style do you like/dislike? Why?
My fav style is vintage i really like big vintage sunglasses with a pair of skinny jeans and a t shirt and a great bag i realy like to be classic chic.
the style i dislike is when ppl copy styles without making them be part of their selfs
8. What is it like living in Greece?
GREECE is a great place to live and i really feel so so lucky that i live here especially the summer we have the best time all day in the sea sunbathing then for coffe then for a drink late at night and dancing..also we have a great time in the winter we don't have so much cold and we enjoy walks in the's just great
9. What do you like to do on stardoll?
Like the fact that we can experiment in fashion and in different styles i love fashion and it's a great way to express my self also i have a confession to make i am so addicted to stardoll that i am putting the same make up to my medoll as me in real
10. What are your favorite brands on stardoll and why?
Of course DKNY and i really want stardoll to release the new collection which is great also LE because thi clothes are so well made and unique in some point.
11. Describe your Best Friends in 3 words.
Superoh: Great sense of style (one the best dresses medoll in stardoll) funny and caring she is my sis...
M_Themis: She is so so cool ,patient (with me singing on her ear every day i dont know if i could be so patient) and great sense of style too.
THanks so so much for having an interview with us!! [[;